Personal horoscope

At the time and date of your birth, the celestial objects were in a unique position which characterize your personality. Below you can see the meanings of planets, Moon and Ascendant and their positions.


3°29' e (d)

Your Sun sign is Leo

A The Sun: Characterizes temperament, identity and the way others perceive you, it is your source of energy

Algenubi RA:9H47m Dec:23°42' Rasalas RA:9H54m Dec:25°56' Adhafera RA:10H18m Dec:23°20' Algieba RA:10H21m Dec:19°46' Al'dzhabkhakh RA:10H8m Dec:16°41' Regulus RA:10H9m Dec:11°53' Chertan RA:11H15m Dec:15°20' Denebola RA:11H50m Dec:14°29' Zosma RA:11H15m Dec:20°26'

This flaming sign is associated to Sun. It gives to Lions a lot of creative energy which is related also to their leadership. They are often creators of plans which are great, but sometimes unrealizable. Lions are generous and they try to reach for the stars. They long for good social position which relates to their love for fortune. They love money because it gives them freedom and independence. They are good friends, but open critics too.

Thanks to their self-confidence and ambition they suffer from desire to be in the centre of attention. Lions hunt for groups of people where they will be admired. If they're not successful they prefer to avoid this group of people and they try to find another. They are successful in their lives thanks to their sense of purpose, persistence and quick decisions. Most of the time they have good health and they resist surrounding influences.

Their vice specifically is high-handedness which hurts other people often. Sometimes, they suffer from extreme generosity or incapability to subordinate to others.

As for career, Lions are mostly the leaders of enterprises or successful businessmen that is related to their sense of purpose and persistence. Lions hold rarely lower-rung jobs because they don't feel comfortable when someone leads them.

All their good, but also bad qualities influence their behaviour in relationships, but Lions don't want to suppress them. Besides, their pleasure-seeking style of life can lead to instability even infidelity.

1°28' l (k)

Moon in Pisces

B The Moon: Characterizes heart, soul, inner self. We become shy and sensitive under Moons influence.

When the Moon is in Pisces, it’s common that people start thinking irrationally. You should keep this fact on mind because it will help you avoid unnecessary problems. You often tend to twist the reality to make it look the way you want it to be.

You often like to escape reality using your own thoughts and imagination. The reason is, for example, that the reality is too harsh. You are able to see and understand vulnerability in others because you feel that way too. Furthermore, dealing with problems of others helps you escape your own dilemmas.

With the Moon in Pisces, you long for romance and some kind of magic. An emotionally stable relationship and safe home are important to you too.

3°04' f (e)

Ascendant in Virgo

K Ascendant: characterizes our starting energy,  view of the world and our opinions

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26°14' d (c)

Mercury in Cancer

C Mercury: characterizes our intellect and ability to express ourselves; influence relationships and personal development.

Individuals who have Mercury in Cancer have a great desire for information. In many cases, they take notes or try things themselves. They also have an ability to express themselves vividly, even dramatically.

People with this placement love to be beside a person with whom they feel safe and feel free to talk to.

5°05' f (e)

Venus in Virgo

D Venus: is related to our feelings, symbolizes love and relationships

People with Venus in Virgo often attract others with their practical and modest personality. This emplacement can be associated with people who you meet at work. Your criticism and common sense fortunately don’t mean your feelings are less intense. You also love animals more than ever.

27°45' e (e)

Mars in Leo

E Mars: characterizes our strength (physical and mental), also sex life, health and sports

We often associate Mars in Leo with gallantry, or even chivalry, and battle for your own honor. You feel superior towards others and if you’re not respected enough, you get furious easily. When stressed, you tend to deceive and pretend just in order to escape the inconvenient fate. Speaking of sex, you are attracted to creative partners. You hate stereotype and boredom.

0°14' l (k)

Jupiter in Pisces

F Jupiter: It is a symbol of development and inventing, but in a negative way risky business and gambling

Jupiter is very intense in Pisces, it promotes imagination and also potential of arts – no matter what it is, music, acting etc. It depicts a craving for travelling – sailing across the sea, relaxation or being on a desert island. You will feel great alone or in seclusion. In terms of finances, this placement may be very generous. A potential for charitable activity may occur.

10°42' k (j)

Saturn in Aquarius

G Saturn: It usually goes along with obstacles and restrictions; you becomes serious and reclusive

The position of Saturn in Aquarius displays the most in the attitude to other people. You are responsible, despite your distrust in case of social enquiries. You follow the etiquette and behave politely. It might be one of the factors why these people are so splendid at work where their attitude is essential. It is easy for them to get on well with authorities and employers.

14°32' b (a)

Uranus in Taurus

H Uranus: symbol of technical progress and new ideas

This emplacement - Uranus in Taurus - can be a very stubborn and dedicated but also, practically speaking, a very innovative and progressive combination. Economic and financial security is a major priority to tyou. Furthermore, a desire for material basis, in forms of land or owning a home, is appearing together with impatience until it’s obtained.

22°57' l (l)

Neptune in Pisces

I Neptune: symbol of leaving our own ego, problems with identity

In this position, that is Neptune in Pisces, the planet is located firmly in its own sign, which brings a large amount of spirituality. Hence, you will be religious and simultaneously sympathetic and charitable. However, problems with your own identity may appear through this placement. It is an ideal location for music, dance, painting or similar talents.

25°03' j (i)

Pluto in Capricorn

J Pluto: is associated with crucial subjects, death, survival, prohibition, justice, usually long-term