Libra june Horoscope 2024

justice, sympathy, harmony and intelect

June will be a month full of uncertainty. Libra will begin to doubt themselves, and this will be reflected in their performance. You will need to be praised and reassured by your surroundings that you are doing well, which will get them bored after a while, though. You will also start to face anxieties that can cause you problems at work, as this will impair your concentration. During this period, you will appreciate your family and partner who will support you the most, so don't be afraid to ask them for a loving hug.

Nervousness will take you over in June. You will have trouble with time management, and it will not be easy to concentrate on work. Things you have been putting off for a long time will also come up, and the fear of not getting everything done on time will make Libras seem emotionally unbalanced.
This could also have an impact on otherwise problem-free relationships with family and friends. They will try to help you, and if you do not control yourself well, it could lead to you venting your anger on them.

Libra july >>

The Sun in Gemini
May 20.14:51 - Jun 20.22:43
May 20.
The Sun in Cancer
Jun 20.23:43 - Jul 22.09:37
Jun 20.

You will not be given tranquility in this period. A desire for new information will drive you forward. You might look sociable, intellectual or even socialistic in society. New knowledge and abilities will help you in self-realization; therefore you do not have to be afraid to be keen on education, even to the detriment of relationships.

It may happen that you will be more emotional than usually. You will look very kind, selfless and empathic to others. However, your behaviour may look oversensitive or exaggerated. If you feel insecure it will make you very nervous. You will feel safe surrounded by love, relationship or family. You will also self-realize much better there. Fantasy is also significant for this period.

Venus in Gemini
May 23.22:14 - Jun 17.08:05
May 23.
Venus in Cancer
Jun 17.09:05 - Jul 11.18:06
Jun 17.

You don’t stay at just one place these days. Travelling, new adventures, social life and flirting attract you. In extreme cases, others might find your behavior narrow-minded. In matters of love, having only one partner won’t satisfy you. When in a long-term relationship, your partner should provide you with plenty of interesting ideas to make you happy.

During this period, your emotions are deep which may lead to you becoming vulnerable. So it is not surprising that you will try to hide it from the outside. You can be very empathetic and compassionate to others, but deep inside, you fight your contradictory feelings and are unable to decide. You will encourage your partner and make them feel confident.

Mercury in Taurus
May 15.18:54 - Jun 3.09:25
May 15.
Mercury in Gemini
Jun 3.10:25 - Jun 17.10:56
Jun 3.
Mercury in Cancer
Jun 17.11:56 - Jul 2.14:39
Jun 17.

In this period, we often tend to behave rationally and try to stay calm. It seems like emotions do not concern us, being affected by Mercury. Our communication is rather slow and prudent, but on the other hand, it is very comprehensible. On top of that, you will be able to finish anything successfully thanks to your patience and endurance. Therefore, nothing stops your development.

In this period, you will be verbally competent, thus you will be a great speaker. You will neither lack vocabulary, nor self-confidence. In addition to that, thanks to your not urging attitude you will be able to attract many people’s attention and you will be able to influence them. Your interests will be various. You will be keen on everything that will widen you horizons and satisfy your desire for education.

Your judgement may be influenced by your emotions these days. Both automatically or subconsciously. Being too sensitive may be a disadvantage. Try to focus on facts. The advantage will be that you will be very empathic, as a companion, partner or listener. Since people in your company will feel good.

Mars in Aries
Apr 30.17:12 - Jun 9.06:18
Apr 30.
Mars in Taurus
Jun 9.07:18 - Jul 20.22:24
Jun 9.

During this period, you won’t have problems reacting impulsively. You will make a good leader too. You will also be capable of persistent and purposeful love. Your energy can get you anything you long for. However, look out when there are any stressful situations because you may tend to behave thoughtlessly and even arrogantly.

During this time, material values will be the most important to you, no matter if you want or not. You will focus on any additional income too. When working, you will be very dedicated and concentrated. It is a very sensual and sexual emplacement, that’s why you can expect passion and, if you hold on, a vital romantic relationship.