is associated with crucial subjects, death, survival, prohibition, justice, usually long-term

Pluto was discovered in the year 1930 and was firstly regarded as another planet of our solar system, but eventually stated as a minor planet and other cosmic objects, therefore we cannot talk about it as a planet anymore. An arguable topic is the influence of Pluto in both astrology and horoscope. Due to its remote distance, its influence is minimal and also cannot be described because of its significantly eccentric trajectory. That is why it is depicted very briefly in our reading.
What do we know about Pluto? In astrology, its role is to remind us of natural laws and so it supports our instincts. It is also related to more relevant topics, for instance survival, justice and prohibition. Ordinarily, we feel the presence of this minor planet for a longer period.
Pluto in Aries Pluto in Taurus Pluto in Gemini Pluto in Cancer Pluto in Leo Pluto in Virgo Pluto in Libra Pluto in Scorpio Pluto in Sagittarius Pluto in Capricorn Pluto in Aquarius Pluto in Pisces