Personal horoscope

At the time and date of your birth, the celestial objects were in a unique position which characterize your personality. Below you can see the meanings of planets, Moon and Ascendant and their positions.


0°13' c (b)

Your Sun sign is Gemini

A The Sun: Characterizes temperament, identity and the way others perceive you, it is your source of energy

1 Gem RA:6H5m Dec:23°16' Tejat Prior RA:6H16m Dec:22°30' Tejat Posterior RA:6H24m Dec:22°30' Mebsuta RA:6H45m Dec:25°7' v Gem RA:6H30m Dec:20°12' tau Gem RA:7H12m Dec:30°13' theta Gem RA:6H54m Dec:33°56' Castor RA:7H36m Dec:31°51' iota Gem RA:7H27m Dec:27°46' u Gem RA:7H37m Dec:26°52' Pollux RA:7H46m Dec:27°59' kappa Gem RA:7H45m Dec:24°21' Wasat RA:7H21m Dec:21°57' Mekbuda RA:7H5m Dec:20°33' Alhena RA:6H39m Dec:16°23' lambda Gem RA:7H19m Dec:16°31' Alzirr RA:6H46m Dec:12°53'

People born under the sign of Gemini are very interested in learning new things, that's why they seem to have general knowledge even if most of it is superficial. They love to discover and if they find something deserving of notice they pay attention to it. They see meanings even where the others don't. Neither aversion nor negative comments of other people can discourage their desire for investigation and exploration. Gemini listens to others' objections just to form their own opinion. Others' opinions aren't in essence important for them, which is why they don't impose their own ideas on anybody. They can sometimes seem as phlegmatic people but inside they live out sometimes in terrible stress.

They suffer a lot from loneliness because, they have feeling that everything is slipping through their fingers. However, they relate very easily and naturally to new people. They have a great memory for experiences and impressions. They're very dangerous opponents because of their dialectic capabilities, great memory and cold feelings. Most important for them is the freedom of movement and action which they provide to others too. They give up in hopeless moments when it's obvious who the winner is.

Gemini excels at war of word, but they try to avoid other kinds of fight. They're not ashamed of creaming off the best for themselves as well as of slanders and dishonest behaviour.

The vice of Gemini is immaturity and restlessness because they are unsure of themselves and they change their mind very often. They aren't able to convince the others, but just comment on a situation. Due to this the others have to listen to them and to try to understand them. They suffer from big ups and downs in their life: they reach the best results during good constellation of stars. On the contrary, during bad constellation of stars they succumb to inferiority complex.

In relationships, Gemini is relatively a bad partner because their feelings aren't deep. They often have several relationships at the same time, that's why they are very tolerant. They need a lot of space and freedom which they provide also to their partner.

As for career, we can observe the consequences of their instability and superficiality. This is the reason they're not into any profession which require too much effort and concentration.

2°55' j (i)

Moon in Capricorn

B The Moon: Characterizes heart, soul, inner self. We become shy and sensitive under Moons influence.

Behavior of people with the Moon in Capricorn is punctual, but highly cultivated in any conditions. They care to behave politely and representatively. They try to reach a respected and important social position. Therefore, you rarely behave really spontaneously or in a way that could mean a threat to others. People around you then might think that you are too boring.

You are not afraid to take responsibility and take care of others. You are naturally talented to become a professional teacher or a foster parent. The negative aspect of yours is being too sensitive towards growing old. You feel pressure, uncertainty and a need of material security for the future so you’d never have to suffer again in your life. When stressed, you also take a negative attitude resulting in distant behavior towards others.

5°38' g (f)

Ascendant in Libra

K Ascendant: characterizes our starting energy,  view of the world and our opinions

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0°15' c (b)

Mercury in Gemini

C Mercury: characterizes our intellect and ability to express ourselves; influence relationships and personal development.

Mercury in its sign, that is Gemini, is placed very firmly, it indicates a smart and open mind. Tenacity is compensated by their verbal competence. Their communication is rather led by facts than thoughts. Therefore, they might look convincing in sceptical people’s eyes. They also love to develop their vocabulary all the time.

7°29' b (a)

Venus in Taurus

D Venus: is related to our feelings, symbolizes love and relationships

The emplacement of Venus in Taurus - its own sign - is very strong and confident and so are the individuals under its influence. They are certain about their decisions and experience the joy of life. Surviving is not your thing, you want to live a full life - enjoy delicious meals and nights full of passion, for instance. You often have a strongly developed sense of touch and visual beauty.

3°31' d (c)

Mars in Cancer

E Mars: characterizes our strength (physical and mental), also sex life, health and sports

People with Mars in Cancer tend to find a way around to get whatever they want. One might say that they begin to fight only if they or people close to them are in danger. This emplacement is very protectionist. You can get overinvolved when it comes to the things that really matter.

21°55' i (⛎)

Jupiter in Sagittarius

F Jupiter: It is a symbol of development and inventing, but in a negative way risky business and gambling

The location of Jupiter in its own sign, that is Sagittarius, strengthens its influence. It brings optimism and joy, but also an interest in travelling and foreign cultures. Though this position also brings negative aspects: for example carelessness or exaggerated pettiness. You enjoy spending time in nature. Education, cognition and spiritual wealth are also significant for you.

20°09' j (i)

Saturn in Capricorn

G Saturn: It usually goes along with obstacles and restrictions; you becomes serious and reclusive

Saturn in its own sign, that is Capricorn, indicates that such person will be disciplined, do his or her duties, be obedient or even submissive and very responsible. Tradition is crucially important for you. You respect it stubbornly but you have a tendency to reject it. Particularly, if it is related to an old-fashioned tradition.

4°08' b (a)

Uranus in Taurus

H Uranus: symbol of technical progress and new ideas

This emplacement - Uranus in Taurus - can be a very stubborn and dedicated but also, practically speaking, a very innovative and progressive combination. Economic and financial security is a major priority to tyou. Furthermore, a desire for material basis, in forms of land or owning a home, is appearing together with impatience until it’s obtained.

18°28' l (k)

Neptune in Pisces

I Neptune: symbol of leaving our own ego, problems with identity

In this position, that is Neptune in Pisces, the planet is located firmly in its own sign, which brings a large amount of spirituality. Hence, you will be religious and simultaneously sympathetic and charitable. However, problems with your own identity may appear through this placement. It is an ideal location for music, dance, painting or similar talents.

22°42' j (i)

Pluto in Capricorn

J Pluto: is associated with crucial subjects, death, survival, prohibition, justice, usually long-term