Taurus july Horoscope 2024

Strong and stubborn, but practical and resolute

July will be a harmonious month for Taurus when you will get completely comfortable, and you will enjoy every moment that this month will bring you. Empathy will awaken in you, and you will become a support for your loved ones. At the same time, you will be full of energy, so do not be afraid to use it to the fullest. You will be very physically, fit and it would be a shame not to take advantage of it, for example, in sports activities with friends. But beware of muscle injuries to which you will be more prone, do not forget to warm up properly before the exercise.

With the arrival of July, Tauruses will be most affected by Jupiter in Pisces' position, thanks to which you will feel delighted with yourself, and you will stop worrying about things you have no control over. You will be overwhelmed by the harmony, and others will feel that as well. Moreover, you will be able to transfer the harmony to them. Therefore, do not expect any significant shifts in your working life.
It will also be an ideal time for spirituality that you may have recently pushed aside. Try literature, painting, or meditation to help you find the balance.

Taurus august >>

The Sun in Cancer
Jun 20.22:43 - Jul 22.09:36
Jun 20.
The Sun in Leo
Jul 22.10:36 - Aug 22.16:46
Jul 22.

It may happen that you will be more emotional than usually. You will look very kind, selfless and empathic to others. However, your behaviour may look oversensitive or exaggerated. If you feel insecure it will make you very nervous. You will feel safe surrounded by love, relationship or family. You will also self-realize much better there. Fantasy is also significant for this period.

This period will give you a great amount of creative power and also leading abilities. It will not be a problem for you to take more responsibility, be a leader or give orders. You will feel very well in this position and you will look the same to others. You might also feel a need for wealth, both material and spiritual. In any case, this all drives you forward to reach your dreams.

Venus in Cancer
Jun 17.08:05 - Jul 11.18:04
Jun 17.
Venus in Leo
Jul 11.19:04 - Aug 5.04:08
Jul 11.

During this period, your emotions are deep which may lead to you becoming vulnerable. So it is not surprising that you will try to hide it from the outside. You can be very empathetic and compassionate to others, but deep inside, you fight your contradictory feelings and are unable to decide. You will encourage your partner and make them feel confident.

During this time, people tend to act more theatrically than usual, especially when it comes to love and relationships. You will enjoy attention of the opposite sex because it’s stimulating your ego. Your love can be very honest and romantic, during this period, especially when you fall in love with someone who admires you. On the other hand, a breakup can be a tough experience now.

Mercury in Cancer
Jun 17.10:55 - Jul 2.14:39
Jun 17.
Mercury in Leo
Jul 2.15:39 - Jul 26.00:41
Jul 2.
Mercury in Virgo
Jul 26.01:41 - Aug 15.02:10
Jul 26.

Your judgement may be influenced by your emotions these days. Both automatically or subconsciously. Being too sensitive may be a disadvantage. Try to focus on facts. The advantage will be that you will be very empathic, as a companion, partner or listener. Since people in your company will feel good.

In this period, you will have no problems in relationships. Being affected by Mercury, you become very loyal and you will feel no need to talk about somebody behind his back. Additionally, you will be popular in society thanks to your entertaining and speaking skills. You will be successful in the area of finance and business as well.

You will be successful when dealing with problems in this span. Since you will be able to analyze everything precisely and get the point quickly. It is a great span for all kinds of experts. Moreover, your conversations might be often about health. As your interest in this area will be intense.

Mars in Taurus
Jun 9.06:18 - Jul 20.22:26
Jun 9.
Mars in Gemini
Jul 20.23:26 - Sep 4.21:36
Jul 20.

During this time, material values will be the most important to you, no matter if you want or not. You will focus on any additional income too. When working, you will be very dedicated and concentrated. It is a very sensual and sexual emplacement, that’s why you can expect passion and, if you hold on, a vital romantic relationship.

During this period, you will enjoy educating yourself, for example, by reading. You will just generally long for new information which you can utilize later on. Your arguments will get very strong so you will be able to get out of anything. However, your personality might get a bit imbalanced and unstable like there’s a personal conflict inside you. When stressed, you will use sarcasm and tartness as a defense mechanism.