Personal horoscope

At the time and date of your birth, the celestial objects were in a unique position which characterize your personality. Below you can see the meanings of planets, Moon and Ascendant and their positions.


9°13' h (f)

Your Sun sign is Scorpio

A The Sun: Characterizes temperament, identity and the way others perceive you, it is your source of energy

Acrab RA:16H6m Dec:-19°51' Dschubba RA:16H1m Dec:-22°40' pi Sco RA:16H0m Dec:-26°10' Antares RA:16H30m Dec:-26°28' Alniyat RA:16H37m Dec:-28°15' epsilon Sco RA:16H51m Dec:-34°19' mi Sco RA:16H53m Dec:-38°4' Grafias RA:16H56m Dec:-42°23' eta Sco RA:17H13m Dec:-43°16' Girtab RA:17H38m Dec:-43°0' iota Sco RA:17H49m Dec:-40°8' kappa Sco RA:17H44m Dec:-39°2' Shaula RA:17H35m Dec:-37°7'

The principal quality of this sign of the Zodiac is to take everything intensely. Thanks to the association of this earthy sign with planet Mars people born under this sign have contrasting characters. So one person can be really kind and friendly person and the other person can be a killer. Yes, they can differ to that degree. That's why they have to be treated very carefully from childhood even if it seems that their education is very easy.

They have extraordinary will which can develop in a positive, but also in a negative way. Most of the time, these people always know what they want and they are very sure about their behaviour. They are able to decide quickly and self-confidently and besides, they are very persistent. They seem to be calm, but inside they hide the passion without limits. They are very courageous, persistent and they try to act diplomatically.

One of their vices is vengefulness, incapability to forget. They can wait for the perfect opportunity for a cruel act. They are can become very insensitive sometimes. We can observe the tendency to laziness, pride and jealousy. Their love is based on eroticism.

Scorpios are very empathetic and understanding. In a career, they are usually scientists, doctors, writers or artists.

2°26' a (l)

Moon in Aries

B The Moon: Characterizes heart, soul, inner self. We become shy and sensitive under Moons influence.

People who have the Moon in Aries are strong, even though they don’t show it. They are often happy with themselves and full of energy - whether it comes to sports, work or love, at the beginning, they are always dedicated to fight till the last breath. They try to overcome all the barriers as soon as possible because patience is not their thing. Mood swings can occur too.

A person with the Moon in Aries feels the need to protect others. If you find yourself in trouble, you can expect them to come over to help you and defend you against other people.

Under pressure, the main trait of your personality is impatience and tendency to take things too personally followed by getting offended. Therefore, you can even become irritable.

12°44' j (i)

Ascendant in Capricorn

K Ascendant: characterizes our starting energy,  view of the world and our opinions

for result type time and date

23°36' h (g)

Mercury in Scorpio

C Mercury: characterizes our intellect and ability to express ourselves; influence relationships and personal development.

The placement of Mercury in Scorpio can be clever and managed. Such individuals often have a talent for making jokes or conspiratorial theories. In any case, these people tend to perceive the world quite negatively, cynically and be exaggeratedly honest. They find it easier to talk about something they are keen on.

22°28' g (f)

Venus in Libra

D Venus: is related to our feelings, symbolizes love and relationships

The emplacement of Venus in Libra provides instinctive abilities to help others deal with their emotions. These individuals are very friendly, understanding and sensitive. Your personality is rather romantic. Sometimes you lack common sense when making a decision. When it comes to relationships, you really like the idea of a wedding, despite not glamorizing it very much.

6°07' g (f)

Mars in Libra

E Mars: characterizes our strength (physical and mental), also sex life, health and sports

The emplacement of Mars in Libra affects your spiritual side especially. When you encounter any threat, you don’t hesitate to enter any battle. You can be very polite and generous. If you feel safe, you’re always willing to cooperate. In your intimate life, you are civilized. You don’t long for any roughness or wilderness.

4°46' h (f)

Jupiter in Scorpio

F Jupiter: It is a symbol of development and inventing, but in a negative way risky business and gambling

People with Jupiter in Scorpio have a great will and determination. They also feel a need to solve their problems very deeply. A talent for business is also common. You might be very good at self-employment, since you are willing to spend your time and diligence.

24°39' i (⛎)

Saturn in Sagittarius

G Saturn: It usually goes along with obstacles and restrictions; you becomes serious and reclusive

Position of Saturn in Sagittarius depicts a person who is full of worries. For instance, being too optimistic and trusting and have a predisposition to believe others quickly. You will not admit their own mistakes but hypocritically judge the others. You are also focusing on problems connected with truth, for example mathematics.

26°00' a (l)

Uranus in Aries

H Uranus: symbol of technical progress and new ideas

We generally expect radical changes from people with Uranus in Aries. You desire for new sources of passion, everything undiscovered and new. You can invent something all by your own which will exceed the greatness of your times. You won’t let anything put you down. You are going to be yourselve even in situations require quick decision making and independent way of thinking. You are able to give your best even under pressure.

11°35' l (k)

Neptune in Pisces

I Neptune: symbol of leaving our own ego, problems with identity

In this position, that is Neptune in Pisces, the planet is located firmly in its own sign, which brings a large amount of spirituality. Hence, you will be religious and simultaneously sympathetic and charitable. However, problems with your own identity may appear through this placement. It is an ideal location for music, dance, painting or similar talents.

16°53' j (i)

Pluto in Capricorn

J Pluto: is associated with crucial subjects, death, survival, prohibition, justice, usually long-term