Personal horoscope

At the time and date of your birth, the celestial objects were in a unique position which characterize your personality. Below you can see the meanings of planets, Moon and Ascendant and their positions.


25°51' g (f)

Your Sun sign is Libra

A The Sun: Characterizes temperament, identity and the way others perceive you, it is your source of energy

Zubenelgenubi RA:14H52m Dec:-16°6' Zubeneschamali RA:15H18m Dec:-9°27' Zuben Elakrab RA:15H37m Dec:-14°51' theta Lib RA:15H55m Dec:-16°47' sigma Lib RA:15H5m Dec:-25°21'

People born under the sign of Libra are associated with planet Venus which causes their strong emotional disposition. They are intellectual people who desire for experiences. They enjoy life and they become easily enthused by beautiful things. They have artistic talent and they love art generally. They adore jewels, elegant clothes, all kinds of entertainments, music, dance and also money because thanks to it they get what they want. Honesty and sense of responsibility are typical to them. They're usually sympathetic, philanthropic and amiable. They have their dreamed up ideas and they try to live according to them. Librans are ambitious and little bit egoistic people can feel offended easily.

The vices of Librans are over sensitiveness, inclination to impatience and their carefree nature can lead even to improvident treatment of money. They often prefer feelings over reason.

In relationships, thanks to their kindness they get new friends easily. They're not able to resist troubles so they need partner who will stand by them. The marriage and society play the most important role in their life. But sometimes, they're confronted with some problems in relation with their partner.

Libra is good for all employments where they can work with people. That's why the ideal profession for them should be related to art or business. The failure in their career can be caused by their carelessness and tendency to subordinate to somebody else's influences.

23°25' k (j)

Moon in Aquarius

B The Moon: Characterizes heart, soul, inner self. We become shy and sensitive under Moons influence.

People with the Moon in Aquarius can be very social and friendly, despite their emotional detachment and the need to keep their distance. On one hand, those individuals can be very understanding and they truly care about the difficulties of other people. On the other hand, there’s no personal interest involved. You don’t let your emotions show and stay rational.

The fact that you are capable of finding innovative solutions to problems easily is certainly a positive impact of this emplacement.

You will feel fulfilled by nature, especially at unknown places. However, this desire can be satisfied, for example, with your extremely vivid imagination. You will also desire to have some space for personal development - especially when it comes to thoughts.

14°44' h (g)

Ascendant in Scorpio

K Ascendant: characterizes our starting energy,  view of the world and our opinions

for result type time and date

13°54' h (g)

Mercury in Scorpio

C Mercury: characterizes our intellect and ability to express ourselves; influence relationships and personal development.

The placement of Mercury in Scorpio can be clever and managed. Such individuals often have a talent for making jokes or conspiratorial theories. In any case, these people tend to perceive the world quite negatively, cynically and be exaggeratedly honest. They find it easier to talk about something they are keen on.

7°17' h (f)

Venus in Scorpio

D Venus: is related to our feelings, symbolizes love and relationships

The emplacement of Venus in Scorpio is usually not an ideal combination - there’s a conflict of various contradictory qualities. Therefore, there’s no wonder that you are often confused and have trouble building and leaving relationships. On one hand, you long for love, on the other hand, you like being alone. Too much emotion can cause you to be very romantic, but possessive as well.

14°17' k (j)

Mars in Aquarius

E Mars: characterizes our strength (physical and mental), also sex life, health and sports

The emplacement of Mars in Aquarius is very energetic. You put the most effort in protecting your own originality and the fact that you’re unique and different from others. Therefore, there’s no wonder you feel threatened when meeting people with similar tendencies. Speaking of intimate life, you are willing to experiment. You also don’t have trouble speaking about sex openly.

25°41' h (g)

Jupiter in Scorpio

F Jupiter: It is a symbol of development and inventing, but in a negative way risky business and gambling

People with Jupiter in Scorpio have a great will and determination. They also feel a need to solve their problems very deeply. A talent for business is also common. You might be very good at self-employment, since you are willing to spend your time and diligence.

4°00' j (i)

Saturn in Capricorn

G Saturn: It usually goes along with obstacles and restrictions; you becomes serious and reclusive

Saturn in its own sign, that is Capricorn, indicates that such person will be disciplined, do his or her duties, be obedient or even submissive and very responsible. Tradition is crucially important for you. You respect it stubbornly but you have a tendency to reject it. Particularly, if it is related to an old-fashioned tradition.

0°45' b (a)

Uranus in Taurus

H Uranus: symbol of technical progress and new ideas

This emplacement - Uranus in Taurus - can be a very stubborn and dedicated but also, practically speaking, a very innovative and progressive combination. Economic and financial security is a major priority to tyou. Furthermore, a desire for material basis, in forms of land or owning a home, is appearing together with impatience until it’s obtained.

14°03' l (k)

Neptune in Pisces

I Neptune: symbol of leaving our own ego, problems with identity

In this position, that is Neptune in Pisces, the planet is located firmly in its own sign, which brings a large amount of spirituality. Hence, you will be religious and simultaneously sympathetic and charitable. However, problems with your own identity may appear through this placement. It is an ideal location for music, dance, painting or similar talents.

18°35' j (i)

Pluto in Capricorn

J Pluto: is associated with crucial subjects, death, survival, prohibition, justice, usually long-term