Jun 13. 2019
Chakras, An Important System of Energies and Vibrational Fields of Human Beings
When you become interested in some traditional healing and spiritual practices, you will definitely encounter the concept of chakras. This word originated from Sanskrit and it can be literally translated as “a wheel of rotating energy”. That’s what chakras are, according to Hindus. There are over 80,000 of them in the human body and they are all interconnected. The center of this system consists of seven basic chakras, which are located along the spine and mutually connected to each other.

All the chakras receive cosmic energy, transform it, divide it into the whole body and then emit it back to the surroundings. That is all done by their rotating motion, whose direction is always alternating - one chakra is going clockwise, the other counter-clockwise. It’s interesting that in men, the first chakra moves to the right (clockwise), whereas in women, the first one moves to the left (counter-clockwise), so their direction is always opposite.
Through these motions, chakras distribute cosmic energy evenly to the whole body, ensuring its proper functioning. However, one or more chakras can get blocked, for example, during some kind of a trauma, which makes it impossible for the energy to flow to the other chakras. This would be reflected in some form of health problems or a change in our behaviour and perception. So, what are the main chakras and how do they influence the functioning of our bodies?
The first, root chakra, is located near the perineum and opens downwards. It has a red color and represents our connection with the physical world, material security, physical pain and pleasure. When it’s blocked, it manifests as a lack of energy, possessive tendencies, aggression or selfishness.
Sacral or navel chakra, the second one, is located in the area of underbelly - between the navel and genitals. It has a bright orange color and opens in the front. Its function projects into our sexual energy, creativity, emotional life and feelings. Therefore, when blocked, a person may experience a sexual coldness and suppression of emotions.
The third is the solar-plexus chakra, which is located a bit above the navel, is bright yellow and opens in the front. It is a centre of emotions and power, representing interpersonal relationships, sympathies, antipathies and our mental life. The people who have this chakra blocked often feel dissatisfied, restless and lack ambition.
The fourth, the heart chakra, is found in the middle of the chest, about where the heart is. It has a green color and same as the previous two chakras, it opens in the front. It is the first out of three chakras related to spiritual issues. It is a center of love and compassion and also an important connecting channel between the upper and lower chakras. When this chakra is blocked, a person is unable to receive or give love.
The purpose of the fifth, throat chakra, is related to our communication abilities, higher will and acceptance of responsibility for our actions. This energy center has a light blue color, is located at the adam’s apple and also opens in the front. When blocked, it manifests through speech defects and difficulties, weak voice and shyness.
The sixth, third-eye chakra, has a dark blue or violet color and is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. It represents the seat of higher spiritual forces, intellect, memory, will and infinite Divine love. People whose third-eye chakra is blocked may experience a closed-mind attitude and are unable to truly listen to their soul.
The crown chakra is located on top of the head, has a purple color and opens upward; that’s where it got its name. It is opened when all the other chakras function harmoniously, resulting in one being connected to one's higher self and all consciousness. When it is blocked, it may result in migraines, insomnia or mental problems like depression, Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia.