Horoscope tomorrow - Sagittarius

Maybe you interpreted few words in a wrong way. Don’t be afraid to ask for an explanation, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and unknowingly make enemies. You don’t have to be worried; you can easily put everything right.

Don’t get irritated when somebody has objections to your work. It is pointless.

Your household would look nice if it would look more alive. Go shopping.

Relax and take a rest. Read a book or watch a movie.

<< Sagittarius / Daily horoscope

Moon in Taurus
Jul 27.19:22 - Jul 29.23:27
Jul 27.

There are tense energies when the Moon is in Taurus. We like the things just the way they are right now. People who are trying to make a change (even a positive one) or have innovative opinions make us anxious...