Horoscope tomorrow - Sagittarius

The loss of certainties in life is always an unpleasant event. Don’t panic and be depressed. You are surrounded by people who will stand by your side and help you in need. Cherish them and let them know how much you appreciate them.

The work pace is set high, but stress won’t get under your skin today. Solve every problem with a cool head.

You should complete all unfinished things. Later you might have problem.

There is a risk of a bad mood. You will feel as if everybody is against you, but don’t despair. It will get better again.

<< Sagittarius / Daily horoscope

Moon in Scorpio
Feb 18.01:20 - Feb 20.13:56
Feb 18.

The energy these days is full of emotion. Therefore, we often behave impulsively and jealously, especially when we feel threatened. It can be understood as some kind of a defense mechanism coming out from our subconsciousness...