Jan 10. 2023
Mercury Retrograde
Every planet orbits the Sun at a different speed and when the Earth “overtakes” another planet then from the perspective of the Earth it looks as if the planet was moving backwards, we call this a retrograde of the planet. Now, we are focusing on Mercury's retrograde which will happen 4 times in 2022 and for the first time between the 14th of January and the 4th of February. In this time period we can experience all sorts of difficulties connected to communication and not only the verbal one, for example nearly all the social media outages happened when Mercury was in retrograde. So we would advise you to be careful with your online communication and maybe also consider a backup of your laptop. However you experience this retrograde, do not let yourself get out of balance by not being able to communicate your thoughts clearly or by others not talking to you in the same fashion as normally.