Feb 4. 2020
Full Moon - Super Moon
On February 9, there is going to be a full moon much brighter than others - a Super Moon. In this phase, the Moon comes closest to Earth, so it looks as if it is larger than usual. Thanks to this placement, it reflects much more light on the Earth's surface, which has a great impact on all natural phenomena. However, the most obvious influence will be regarding the sea, where it will increase the strength of the tide.

However, we can also observe the effects of the full moon on us. This position of the planets and stars affects the functioning of the human organism and thus, the body’s ability to recover from illnesses and heal wounds is reduced. For that reason, we should avoid any medical intervention and take care of our mental health instead. In this lunar phase, people are much more sensitive, which means it is the right time to relax, rest or meditate.