Horoscope tomorrow - Capricorn

Sometimes path is more important than the goal, because this is what shapes your personality. After overcoming all troubles and worries you will be much stronger and nothing will stand in your way of enjoying the well-deserved reward coming your way. But you must be patient.

The work pace is set high, but stress won’t get under your skin today. Solve every problem with a cool head.

Try to spend more time outside in the nature rather than at home watching TV or staring into computer.

If you are trying to lose weight stop relying on various products and rather eat healthy!

<< Capricorn / Daily horoscope

Moon in Aquarius
Dec 5.05:22 - Dec 7.10:51
Dec 5.

The disadvantage of these days is certainly the energy being too solitary. Therefore, you will prefer your own thoughts and education to the company of other people. In extreme cases of your social anxiety, you become cold and offish. Others might not get your way of behaving which you don’t require. You are capable of having fun on your own...