Leo february Horoscope 2024

Courage, self-confidence, assertive and open is Leo

In February, Leo will be very creative but at the same time more introverted. There will be some great ideas in your head that you will want to implement. However, you must take into account that something will have to be sacrificed. Therefore, this month you better think rationally and properly consider all the pros and cons before embarking on something. During this period, you will focus mainly on yourself, and it will be difficult for you to socialise. Don't push it and take a break from social events. The main thing is to make you feel comfortable.

If the last month didn't go as Leos expected, they would tend to take risks. Until now, risk has often paid off, but remember that it can have catastrophic consequences for you, so you should consider whether it is worth taking it.
You will not feel like yourself in February. Separation from others could help. Although it will be difficult for you, try to spend as much time alone as possible and organize your thoughts before engaging in others' lives.

Leo march >>

The Sun in Aquarius
Jan 20.14:59 - Feb 19.05:03
Jan 20.
The Sun in Pisces
Feb 19.06:03 - Mar 20.03:57
Feb 19.

You will look very friendly and sympathetic in this period. You will have no problem while adjusting to surroundings, because you will be elastic and adaptable. Nonetheless, you will keep your own opinion and advanced intellectual abilities. You may feel abrupt changes of your mood. One time you will be serious and then sociable and merry. Anyway, you are not worried what other people think about you and you go on your own way.

One of the main features in this period will be your intuition. You will be very empathic and observant, so that you look very friendly, generous and sympathetic to others. If you are alone you will have a tendency to be lazy, depressed or you may even lose the control of your feelings. You will feel much better surrounded by the people you trust and love. As the feeling of inferiority vanishes, you can develop and self-realize fully.

Venus in Capricorn
Jan 23.09:37 - Feb 16.16:53
Jan 23.
Venus in Aquarius
Feb 16.17:53 - Mar 11.22:38
Feb 16.

During this time, you will probably want to remain dignified in any situation. That’s why you avoid public display of affection or showing that you got hurt. Your view of the world will be very realistic which can be reflected in your decision-making. Establishing a relationship just to secure the social status is common too.

This period will be a little bit colder when it comes to love. However, you like being around your friends more than ever. Your personality is somehow attractive for a lot of people. Just look out because you might end up with the wrong ones.

Mercury in Capricorn
Jan 14.03:38 - Feb 5.05:58
Jan 14.
Mercury in Aquarius
Feb 5.06:58 - Feb 23.08:17
Feb 5.
Mercury in Pisces
Feb 23.09:17 - Mar 10.04:52
Feb 23.

In this span, you yearn for being respected so that you feel unsettled if someone thinks that you are a fool. Hence, you are rather silent and wait. Thanks to this position, conservative thinking may appear, especially when it comes to relationships and dry humour.

In this period, you will be rather honest. No matter the circumstances – whether it is appropriate or not. Since you will feel a need to stand for your opinions and ideas very firmly. However, you might have problems in communication due to this attitude. Moreover, you will not be afraid to talk about things as they are and people will like to come to you for advice.

In this span, you will have no problems with non-verbal communication. You can use your facial expressions or the position of your body so that you can communicate more easily and quickly. Your mind will be more sensitive and able to process a great amount of information. Though, it will tire you and you might look confused, slower or ponderous more than usually.

Mars in Capricorn
Jan 4.15:36 - Feb 13.06:45
Jan 4.
Mars in Aquarius
Feb 13.07:45 - Mar 23.00:25
Feb 13.

The energy of this emplacement is ideal for career matters. The desire for material satisfaction and an acknowledged status is important to you and motivates you. Your self-control and management skills are on a high level too. When it comes to relaxation, you prefer resting while doing yoga or breath exercises to spending time in a group.

During this time, you will appreciate your friends, family and loyal people a lot. Therefore, you’ll see no problem in fighting for them. Your moral values are much higher these days. That’s why you may get upset when encountering disrespect or injustice. You have innovative opinions and are characterized by good organizational skills.