Horoscope tomorrow - Aries

Your career or love-life might be stagnating these days. But don’t take it for a bad sign. On the contrary you should make a good use of this calm period to contemplate or doing activities you don’t have usually time to.

Be patient listener. Somebody close to you might have problems and will need your help.

If your co-workers are annoying, pay them back in the same. Don’t be submissive and don’t let them treat you badly.

Try hard when you are making dinner. Make it an experience and spoil your taste buds.

<< Aries / Daily horoscope

Moon in Pisces
May 2.20:52 - May 4.22:42
May 2.

You can expect energy in the area of imagination which will operate at full blast these days. Therefore, your wit may sometimes lose its power - at the expense of emotions. You are also more empathetic than ever. You will not have problems empathize with a wide range of people. However, the disadvantage certainly is that you often forget about your own dilemmas and issues...